Documents: Common/Multiple Roles

Type Name Download
Adding a PDD (Predicted Date of Discharge) onto the banner bar
Ref 315 Printing a patients record when transferring to another hospital
Running Reports - Explorer Menu-Discern Analytics 2.0
Creating a Personal Document Type List
Adding a Proxy to your Custom List
Creating a patient list 'All Visit Relationships' 'All Lifetime Relationships'
Locating and Signing a Saved Document
How to Insert a Smartcard and Open an Application
Setting a Resource and Loading a Clinic List in Powerchart
Printing Documents from Powerchart for Patient Transfer
Deleting a Patient List
Creating Personal Auto Text
Tagging Text
Setting a Patient List to Show Inpatients Only
Removing an Established Relationship
Process for Inserting, Flushing and Removing Lines
Process for Authenticating Student, MCA and HCA Powerforms
Icon Guide
How to Locate and Add Navigator Bands
Glossary of Toolbar
Discern Notification
Customising Patient Record Summary
Creating Patient Lists by Location
Creating a Custom Patient List and searching for patients
Cancelling a Problem or Diagnosis
Authorising Student and HCA Data
Adding Social History
Adding Procedure History
Adding Problems and Diagnoses
Adding Medical History
Adding Family History
Adding and Viewing a Clinical Note
Adding an Alert
Expanding the Tool Bar in Powerchart
Add or Amend NOK or Emergency Contact
SuperuserseCARE buddies
Play Domain Instructions
724 - Downtime Continuity